“Foreign policy” in the U.S.A. that is non-governmental. It can look very negatively mental.

Here is an example I want to write about. It is based on observations of more than one group of people. It is an illustration of what went on not pointing at a specific individual or group of people. This problem could be happening all over the world, not just the United States obviously.

A foreigner comes to the U.S. and gets good work. It could cause jealousy from their home country so much they send hit people to mess them up HERE… in the U.S.A. Then the hit men need enough work to stay. They may leave and if that original person stays, they may struggle their whole life because they got so damaged. They may have come on their own, may have been trafficked with the plan to mess them up. Or trafficked to get them away from their own country–like banishing them.

What if the original foreigner stays, not wealthy even ruined AND the hit people stay also? What if the original foreigner was supposed to be a leadership person for a gang or group of people in the U.S.A. and they are ruined, the hit people never leave…or the hit people are the gang or group who hit their leader over and over and more people within their group who make some money, but not enough for their own family? This example began with ONE PERSON coming to the U.S.A. Over time, this could involve thousands of people daily.

“ANGRY ME” – Mis-Identified Too Often in the 1970s+, I was not hired.

I just put something together after all this time. I want people to read this. I pray it helps people figure out WHAT HAPPENED.

ANGRY ME. Here is why.

The name “Steven Spielberg” was created by me IN FRONT OF M. Spielberg when I was VERY VERY YOUNG. It was my new professional name. But I had NO INTENTION of being a porn star. I was identified as a talented co-director even in childhood…but they KEPT ME AWAY FROM PORN. THEY DID NOT WANT ME TO BE A PORN DIRECTOR. They knew me. I guess others misread things.

M. Spielberg and her people likely created a MALE DIRECTOR off the name to replace me right away.

DUE TO TERRORISM… the people who knew me personally… probably were terrorized as I was also in the 1970s.

Those were not my own people. I was kidnapped to be around them.

I strongly encourage people to find out if Universal Pictures bought out porn producers in the 1970s. Their studio or their group, and/or their content and intellectual properties. The difficulty is… I was NOT actually part of the deal. If I was, I’d know a lot of people and they’d know me. I’d also be working regularly and making money. If I was retired, I would have had a verifiable WORK HISTORY.