It’s true. I’ve seen it, experienced it . Popular people “without an army” get .. replaced by someone who is likely TOUGHER, MORE TERRORISTIC. Keep your eyes open in history.
What happens next is the TERRORISTIC EXTREMIST gets toppled, thrown out and replaced by someone who is merciful. Or more merciful. But then… they may become too popular and the cycle returns, bringing back someone terroristic who may not be too popular.
Why can’t humanity strive for a happy medium? Why do we have so much UNREST?
I’m thinking there are more people wanting to be popular than there are “places or jobs of popularity”.
A “king of the mountain” mentality.
Also, I sense… there are people of peace and people of war. Sometimes one or the other is popular. Is this due to the society? Community? Based on governmental economic health?
Peaceful people have a difficult time being forceful, so they rarely get hugely popular nor make the amount of money a “war-ing” person may. It is not an inequity. It is one of the natures of things.