I HAVE TO RETIREMENT AGE and QUIT IN HASTE any commitment or support of Hollywood, Bollywood… even Dollywood… whatever. I HAVE BEEN TRULY MISTAKEN AS SOMEONE ELSE “risen from death” or something!
MORE THAN ONE MAN, who could have been deemed terroristic with a gun even talented at filmmaking… were involved with gangs and mafia, and getting movies created… USED MY NAME in the 1970s. I AM NOT HIM. I may have looked like HIS DAUGHTER at some point in time. But I was a stand in if you thought that. One used me like A SON… which later became Korean boys and women in Hollywood. I am NOT ONE OF THEM… or you’d all know ME PERSONALLY BETTER and I wouldn’t have to write this over 100mi+ away from Hollywood. Some of the men and women using my name may still be in Honolulu, L.A. even scattered all over the U.S. and internationally. I’m the young one some had to swear to protect and may be how my name got all over Hollywood… but new people over the years may not have known the origin. My “Hollywood dads” and “moms” and “brothers and sisters” used my name and others’ names in L.A. Like “criminal me’s”.
People need the “criminal me’s” in and out of Hollywood FOR MONIES… not someone like me. I was known as a big mouth child, but also a “quiet, creative Steven”… I cannot rise to the occasion of “criminal me” and go brute force movies and money for Hollywood. Nor can I traffic people.
More on “Criminal Me’s”
Another thing about “Criminal Me’s”. Some are obviously not as criminal as others. In my case I got a variety too. But what may need a REVIEW is how many criminals me’s are working against a certain “simple me”. Too many people ganging up on the same person, and not coordinated… equates to more damage and more people thrown in jail.
Some criminal me’s are intelligent and get really great things done! Others are more thuggish and just hate people, don’t love anything.
Corporate “Criminal Me’s”… I want to note, some corporation people come across very criminal… even if they play by the rules and laws of a country. Politicians too. They have to be educated about what’s going on and make tough decisions that could hurt thousands people, maybe millions financially. Some of it requires “management IQ”. I respect those. They DO KNOW ABOUT “simple me” people though, and know NOT to SPEND MONEY damaging them. “Simple me” people are typically not a threat.
I am a “Simple Me” who has been allowed to register motion picture studio names. It’s probably because the high up corporate people know I’m NOT A THREAT TO THEM. They know I wouldn’t do dangerous things. They’ve probably been watching too to see what I’d do. Not all know me well at all. Some have for decades though, but I’m not sure how well. Some may be sad that there are so many criminal me’s that I can’t even just visit major corporations, people from them, or be a “late bloomer” and do more in society than just write online… which is about all I have right now.
I’m capable of being a “corporation criminal me” but not to the level managers at big companies are. They have tougher jobs with a lot of back up, people behind them. I don’t have much at all.
This is funny, just came across this so adding on here…
Hahaha!!! Now.. not all criminal me’s look like batman… and… geezus, I’m NOT that kind of simple me! But I BET there are some “dynamic duos” out there that would surprise people. But the point here is… this catwoman really couldn’t do much to that Batman, and that Batman could do some serious damage to this cat woman… and it wouldn’t make any sense! However, some cat women like this may be hidden criminal me’s who have big criminal me’s elsewhere that could injure Batman… but is it necessary? Would it be necessary to damage Batman because he was .. taller? Male? Or drove a cool car? Or one of the cat’s liked him better? Some simple me catwomen could just give Batman some lunch money on an off day (like his fortune was unavailable).. you know? Lesson here is… maybe should be nicer to each other whoever we are, whichever suit we are wearing? Bat or Cat?
On Stealing from a “Cat Person”
Side note about my survival money in life. One of my father’s demonstrated to a criminal in my childhood… depositing $100 in a bank savings account. That was around the late 1970s. Within the last ten years or so, may have been 2014-2016 or so I was able to get a check from the State of Hawaii for around $200… the savings account had been closed and funds “went to the state”… which happens with a dormant account. The point is… all these decades… NOT ONE PERSON could claim and use the account. So if there are any criminals watching me, stalking me… waiting for a time to knock me down once and for all and bury me… they STILL WON’T GET my survival monies.