A Simple View of Leadership in a Nation

It may be well known in very civilized countries that military leaders, government leaders tend to spend more time with other forms of leaders and are disciplining higher criminals(who are likely leaders).

Average and below average people are normally left to do their work for their family, community and the nation. If they break a law they are taken to a civilian court of law for the correct disciplinary action, the usual goal is to correct something and return the individual to society again.

Contact and a Friend

Comes to my attention that there are MANY PEOPLE who really didn’t get me well most of my life. Here is what happened. Mafia/gangsters needed to do some messaging. It was NOT UNDERSTOOD CORRECTLY.

If someone gets a baby(someone in need) instead of a mature, connected gang(or mafia) member… it means their contact is DEAD.

1) accept the contact is dead and get a new one(s)
2) develop the baby into a contact for the future

You can do both of course. Be wise about it.

The Youth Surfer

Stock photo licensed from Dreamstime.com

What if there was a young surfer, who learned the local beaches very well… got harassed into teaching newcomers about them, and shared ideas about new tech for boards… and they mugged the kid, stole all the ideas, forced him to move to the desert… and one day he came back with one of their peoples’ designed and made surfboards and he studies the waves at the beach he once was mugged..?

What would the gang that ruined him think? Would they show up and force him NOT to go into the water, steal the board and send him to the hospital?

What would old neighbors think? Would they welcome their friend the child surfer back or avoid them out of fear of the gangs, or afraid to tell him they made money off his ideas?

Ah humans. You need to let the surfer surf. Would you wound a bird from flying just because they were good at it and you wanted “your bird” to look better in the sky? Was it ever your sky? Is it your ocean? Really “your bird”?

I want to laugh… I want to cry. I know how criminal minds are. They forget how many people there are on this Earth and it is supposed to be a shared planet.

Life Puzzle

What is a “life puzzle”? How simple or complicated our lives are!

What I’d like to share is that we all have a puzzle to deal with the day we are born. It could be a simple life ahead or a very complicated one. What makes it complicated? Here is my theory: How many people you interact with in your lifetime. I say this because each person has to be dealt with in an individualized way and has at least one piece of your puzzle: They know you in their way.

This is a art mosaic of glass tiles on wood by artist “ShelaghJaneMosaics” that I found online. I picked this one because the content illustrates the idea of portions and pieces of our lives. Some of it can be very straightforward and obvious, other parts more abstract. It has elements of various emotions which could translate to life experiences such as events or human beings. “Puzzle” can also mean “confusion to be sorted out” and something like this image shows it. It even has peaceful and also hot colors reminding us of good and bad times. NOTE: I do not know the artist at all, and I am not presenting this image as a form of advertisement.

This was not something I was planning to write about. It came to mind because my own life looks simple, and it really is NOT AT ALL. I’ve had to figure it out myself: What is making my life complicated?

What is a puzzle? Essentially, it is a sum of pieces that come together to form a conclusion. A jigsaw puzzle is made of a single picture cut into unique-looking pieces.

Our own lives are a big puzzle, and it can take decades to figure out the “big picture” that is your own life. What the “complete view” of who you are in the big world we live in, the planet we are on. It can be a puzzle of big pieces like a pizza or a huge mosaic of thousands of small fragments of various sizes. How does your “life puzzle” look? What makes you, YOU?

This is a pepperoni pizza! Some people have lives this simple. Yes! Think of it as flat, round, not a lot of ingredients, no one piece is the same… some is saucy, spicy, smooth, crunchy… I found this image on the internet and it belongs to Zionsville Pizza. I never ate there, looks good though! Please send me an email if you tried it out?

If I can give advice on this, it would be to try to understand the pieces you think you know well. Those are: 1) what you need to accomplish daily, weekly, yearly, and long term, 2) who is involved that matters to you. Then you can think about how it all fits together to help you keep moving forward and 3) what pieces are missing. Thinking is good, keeping your own notes in a journal is GREAT. You do not need to be a professional writer to sort out your own thoughts about things.

I wish you well in learning your “life puzzle” and my hope you’ll work on it to help you understand yourself and the pieces that do and don’t belong to you!

I feel like an old lady writing about knowledge and wisdom for younger people. I am old enough to do this now authentically! Ha! I welcome you to read my other writings also. I hope they can help you find your own personal, inner freedoms even if you stuck at home, or in a boring job, or just in a rut.

My Agenda in a World of Conflicts

I want to impart this idea of who I am, even if I edit this later. It’s nearly dinner time on a restful early winter Sunday. My puppy is bigger now, but still gives me baby dog signals for food time and treats. I listen every time. She knows something is wrong if I don’t.

In a world of humans and conflicts, it has been my goal to help others.. any others.. to “get their place” or “help them get to their place”. This place is their highest point in life and standing with society. Some got very far, very high.. even if a short time. I didn’t stand around to help them down. That’s something they can handle and others can reach for them.

What I am saying is, the human race, in spite of all it’s problems and inefficiencies, there is still a drive and a desire to find “greatness” in one’s life. Some run whole groups, whole countries. Some managed to walk across their neighborhood from one side to the other. These are accomplishments in this world. Not everyone is given the same beginning and ending in life. Our purpose is to find what comes between our first breath of air and our last.

I thought it would be my goal to help myself. But it became bigger even before I was tall enough to ride on a park roller coaster. Perspective doesn’t come from “oneness”. It comes from “thoughtfulness”. For me personally, it is to help people get where they are going. Sometimes it is only just to agree with them. Other times, it can take years and even decades and a whole lot of joys and grieving in between.

I ask all those reading this, and maybe agreeing to some of it… let’s find ways to help each other in large and small ways. We are in the human race. The finish line is far in the future… beyond our own lives. Let’s remember, it isn’t all about our one life, or few breaths of the sky around us.

God bless, good bless, and feels. It’s not the words, it is the ideas we think of.