“the Houston Water Pull”

(repost from Twitter/X)

Boosting this in a regular way for people to refer to. I’m not looking for money on this. This is goodwill during a time of crises. Actually, stood with adults a long time ago, perhaps even in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. after a big rainstorm and witnessed the waters everywhere. Told as a child, too much trouble to develop a system even though we tossed around legitimate ideas. Realize now, I was with people NOT ENTIRELY WELCOME THERE. Since that time I have visited Houston, mostly flying or driving through. It is a beautiful city!

Openly bringing this up for all to think about, maybe develop a better idea than me!

The Houston Water Pull

brief digital sketch illustration showing source water, pullpump tower and direction of flow to a new reservoir.

This idea is to use a very tall tower with a pump to pull water from a source area and up high enough to create a siphon effect on the other side such that once started, the pull of the water can continue without the pump running. This could be built in a series of pump towers to pull water across a long distance. There is an opportunity to even utilize the reservoirs as a source for a water purifier system. There is also a possibility the high pressure flow of the downhill water could be partially used for hydropower generation or other machinery–even creating a push-pump to increase speed and pressure of the water flow to help it go further.

I cannot make money off this system. I don’t think the idea is original. Just bringing it up for conversation. As I write this, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is very flooded from Hurrican Beryl. If this system is created elsewhere, it could move water out of a flooded areas to dry areas that do not have a connection to a river.

The reference of “Thanks Houston for not mrdring me,” in the illustration above comes from one of my first visits in life to the city. I was mis-identified as a dangerous gang member!

Adding: Turbulent has a small system for hydropower–in mind. I have no verification they actually produce these units and sell them. Just another idea to chat about?


The Empty Well

(back soon with the story, need more time to think about it. Hope the title alone can solve some pending questions.)

“My ink well is dry, therefore I cannot write more.” – the writer

“I’ve been ill for a very long time, I don’t know what well means.” – the patient

“I have not done something fulfilling in a long time.” – the worker

“I wish you well, and good bye.” – the fraud

The story…

The year 1200 AD… somewhere in Europe.

There is a small town with two water wells that draw from different sources. Each well is located a separate ends of the town. For more than one generation the people of the town got their water from either. There were no fights. Even during a drought, people talked and planned to make best use of the waters available.

One day, a young man was angry. He wanted a way to get the attention of everyone in town so he tainted one well and gathered like-minded friends to guard the remaining well.

His first attempt at showing his anger was to watch some people become very ill from the well he did not guard.

The next attempt at “letting others feel his anger” was to block people from using “his well”. Most were scared enough to just not ask for water and rationed what they had, hoping the boys would calm down.

A small boy is encouraged to talk to the boys at the well and he seeks them out. Once in front of them he asks, “Why are you protecting the remaining well yet not sharing its waters?”

The older boys complain amongst each other. It has been many days they’ve lived around the well to “protect it” and they’ve had to find their own food and slept under tree limbs and the sky, no longer protected themselves. The small boy notices they are tired and angrier than he remembers ever seeing people. And they have weapons he is not used to seeing. They look newly made, and not by the blacksmith. Made themselves?


Analogy of the Power Over Water

A single man or army cannot go to the OCEAN or a GREAT RIVER OR LAKE and believe they can “overcome it” or “control it all”.

A single man or army who goes to a small stream and stops it, walks away and never comes back… may have cut off the livelihood of all kinds of animals downstream where there was a POND and even small waterfall.

If you want a brain tease out of this… Which animal is stronger, or more important? The bear dying of dehydration or a fish destined to live years in the lake?