National Slave Day

Today is actually “Labor Day” in the United States. It is a day we celebrate the achievements the country and the people within it have made in getting and giving work lawfully and humanely. Wishing I could toast to my own life’s work, I decided to create and propose something for everyone to think about: National Slave Day. It’s basically for everyone who were not able to get a stable steady income and life, even those who only experienced a slavery or enslavement a short time.

Not about a “shame on you”. It’s purpose is education for those being enslaved and those promoting slavery in small and big ways. It takes a strong will to make improvements near and far.

The Need For Education Globally May Be More Important Than I Realized Previously

I’ve been a victim of some very tough people my whole life. I don’t see them regularly because most are in prison and their “comrades” have been legally restrained to keep them away.

In recent times, I’ve been giving my dog aspirin and even some thyroid help meds now and then and she shows signs of better health as a result. I know what toxins have done to my body and what microwave radiation does too. My dog has been affected. High energy dog, crying now and then, laying around, only wanting to play max 1hr total during the day.

Educated people solve problems.

Uneducated people ABUSE. They abuse other people, things, even animals.

I just put this in a nutshell. A need to educate even thugs. About something as simple as “problem solving” vs. “abuse”.

I witnessed it in a child once. One who had been abused. He couldn’t change his world, so he just broke things at certain opportunities. It was an EXPRESSION of EMOTIONS. TO BREAK SOMETHING. Because they feel broken. Unable to make a change. Still thuggery. Still a lack of education.

It takes just some education to teach SELF CONTROL. I bring this up, because I feel MORE SELF CONTROL is needed in this world.

Human beings shouldn’t have to complain about other human beings “losing control” and acting out “adversely”.

If you can’t solve a problem yourself, you need to get help. Get someone who can help you SOLVE the problem. Not just SMASH the hell out of things. Even your favorite toys, or people you need in life. (People you don’t need in life are usually ignored and not turned into a victim of abuse(s)).

It’s a general rant. Humans do this to each other in families and shouldn’t. ACTING OUT and abusing people they need.